Lynn Patti will be offering a Christina Phipps Meditation class (called iRest) to our students on ZOOM. Each session takes about 35-40 minutes and there will be time before to set up properly and time after to discuss. New class begins Feb. 20. It will run 4 weeks. Registration and waiver form:
Students can do the class sitting up or lying down. If you choose to lie down a pillow, blanket, pillow or bolster for your knees and an eye cover would be great to have. If you have questions email lynnpatti@icloud.com
Lynn began practicing yoga in 2012. She was looking for an exercise that would be less impactful to her joints than aerobics. She started practicing at a yoga studio with a Baptiste trained instructor and fell in love with the practice. She took the 200-hour yoga teacher training because she was interested in teaching children yoga and mindfulness as a way to help them better express their emotions and improve behaviors. She then took the 95-hour children’s yoga teacher training top become certified to teach children and adults.
Lynn works in Duval public school system with the exceptional education program. She supports students who have behavioral and/or academic difficulties. She believes yoga, mindfulness, and meditation can make a huge difference in the lives of students and school staff. She teaches yoga to students during her workday and teaches children and adults with Yoga 4 Change. She loves practicing and teaching yoga and feels compelled to share the benefits of yoga with others.
Lynn's Certifications and Trainings:
200 Hour Mbody
95 Hour Kidding Around Yoga
Lakshmi Volker Chair Yoga
Christina Phipps Foundation Training
Accessible Yoga with Matthew Sanford
Trauma Informed Yoga trainings with Yoga 4 Change
iRest® Yoga NidraLevel 1 Teacher
300-hour training (in progress) with Yoga Den
Lynn says: A Yoga 4 Change teacher shared the iRest® Yoga Nidrawith me. I purchased a book and became interested in teaching the practice. iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation is a modern-day secular adaptionof the ancient meditative practice of Yoga Nidra. It is a practice that has been researched and shown that it can effectively reduce the effects of PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and chemical dependency. It can also improve health, resiliency, and well-being. With regular practice, iRest® Yoga Nidragives you the tools to tap into an inner resource and to experience true interconnectedness, health and joy. During iRest participants can enter receptive states of deep relaxation and meditation and remain aware and alert. iRest® can help to move us from separation, anxiety, fear and self-judgment into equanimity, stability, compassion, and love.