Tracie Winters and Shastidy Ellerbusch, graduates of CPF Oncoogy Yoga training in Orlando, set up a table at the Melissa's Race to Battle Against Brain Cancer 5K. They had an opportunity to talk with survivors and others in the cancer community about Oncology Yoga. They also stuffed CPF info cards into 1200 race bags to get the word out about the foundation and Oncology Yoga classes in Orlando.

You can sign up or find out more about Guruv Yoga's Free CPF Oncology Chair Yoga class held every Tuesday at 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM by visiting www.guruvyoga.com, calling (407) 330-3222, emailing info@guruvyoga.com or just show up!Â
Guruv Yoga is located at 142 W Lakeview Avenue, Suite 1070, Lake Mary, FL 32746.