CPF teacher Michele Jain is at AdventHealth Palm Coast teaching yoga on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 - 11:00 am. Located in Palm Coast, FL on Moody Blvd.
Michele has been with CPF since 2014 and has taught at Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine and AdventHealth Palm Coast. Beth met Michelle in 2012 and knew she would be a wonderful CPF teacher. She has extensive background in yoga and numerous certifications dating back to 2001. Michelle attended CPF training in 2014 and began to teach first at Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine, then added Florida Hospital location in the Lund Education Center on Memorial Medical Plaza in Palm Coast.
Michele and Beth were honored to present at the Florida Society of Oncology Social Workers on September 25, 2019 in St. Augustine. Here we met many people who had heard of the CPF free yoga classes and some who were introduced to our foundation on that day.
Deb Duval, our contact at Palm Coast, retired, and Karen Grant took her place. After the pandemic Karen got classes up and running again in August, 2022. These classes are Tuesdays at 10. CPF teacher Patty Severino has also helped out with this class after she moved to Palm Coast.
For CPF yoga students willing to travel we also hold free Oncology Yoga classes at AdventHealth Daytona Beach each week.
Here is a little article about CPF teacher Michele and her first class at Palm Coast:
PALM COAST, Fla. — Those touched by cancer, whether survivors or caregivers, are invited to join Florida Hospital Flagler on Sept. 27 for a free yoga class focused on the integration of movements, stretches and breath awareness.
Michele Jain, a Christina Phipps Foundation certified instructor, will teach the gentle, restorative class. The Christina Phipps Foundation provides specialized training to experienced yoga instructors, enabling them to guide cancer patients, survivors, and others with range of motion and pain limitations.
The class is from 11 a.m. to noon and will be in Florida Hospital Flagler’s Education Center, classroom C, 60 Memorial Medical Pkwy. Palm Coast. To register, call Deborah Duvall at (386) 586-2065.
About Florida Hospital Flagler
Florida Hospital Flagler is a member of Adventist Health System, a faith-based health care organization with 46 hospital campuses and nearly 8,200 licensed beds in 10 states. With 99-beds, Florida Hospital Flagler is one of the six Florida Hospitals in Volusia and Flagler counties that composes the Florida Hospital East Florida Region. As the largest hospital system in the area, the Florida Hospital East Florida Region has 923 beds and more than 6,000 employees. With a mission to extend the healing ministry of Christ, the Florida Hospital East Florida Region collectively contributed nearly $120 million in benefits in 2015 to the underprivileged, the community’s overall health and wellness and spiritual needs, and capital improvements.